his French |
His Second Marriage
Hakimi married his cousin Belghis 'Lagha Doleh' Hakimi |
Saving Azarbeijan from
Soviet/Russian occupation after WW II
(reference Institute of Contemporary History's Page on
1. Nassrollah Entezam. 2. Bagher Kazemii 3. Hassan Taghizadeh 4. Ali
Soheilie 5. Mostafa Adl 6. Abassali Khalatbari
Standing directly behind Taghizadeh is AH
After the Second World War, the United Nations was formed first in London then moved to New York so AH had to leave Switzerland. He stayed as a senior diplomat with the UN for some years before retiring and returning to Iran. I recently found a photo of him when UN was just formed after WW II in London. In the photo below he is standing behind Hassan Taghizadeh who was the Iranian representative at the UN. The picture is taken with the committee formed to present Iran's case against the allies continued occupation of Iran in 1946/7 in the Security Council. The process was started by Ebrahim Hakimi which eventually caused the downfall of his government. There was enormous pressure on Iran to withdraw the complaint by the British and Russian governments. This was one of the first complaints to the new formed Security Council. The odd man out in the picture is Ali Soheili (a well know politician and war time minister and prime minister). According to my grandfather, Abdolhamid Hakimi's memoires, Ebrahim Hakimi secretly asked Ali Soheilie to leave his post as the Ambassador in Egypt and travel to London and quietly negotiate a settlement with the Soviets. Soheilie was trusted by the prime minister as compatriots from Azarbaijan they knew each other. Soheilie personally knew the Russian Foreign Minister having worked in the Russian consulate in Teheran in his youth. Soheilie managed to reach a secret face saving agreement for the Soviet forces to leave Iran but the Shah under pressure from the British and the Russians was led to believe his reign was in danger and the Russian forces were about to move into Teheran (Soviet Forces controlled Northern half of Iran sitting 5KM outside Teheran) to remove him similar to his father. The Shah therefore dismissed Hakimi's government but not before the complaint was submitted at the UN. Though it was too late for the secret agreement with the Soviets to reach the prime minister Ebrahim Hakimi. Later Soviets left Iran under direct pressure from President Truman (but the incumbent prime minister, Ahmad Ghavam was quick to take the credit for himself ).
UN Security Council Resolutions
01/01/1964 : | S/RES/2(1946) [ English ] |
01/01/1964 : | S/RES/3(1946) [ English ] |
08/05/1946 : | S/RES/5(1946) [ English ] |
Hakimi and Azarbaijan Crisis in Persian
Taqhizadeh Recollectionsدستور شکایت به سازمان ملل و مقاومت حکیمی
زندگی طوفانی - خاطرات تقی زاده
1945: Pro-Russia Iran?: IN OUR PAGES:100, 75 AND 50 YEARS AGO
TEHRAN - Iranian Premier Hakimi is expected to resign within a week, and will probably be replaced by the pro-Russian Ghavam Saltaneh, a former Premier.Premier Hakimi is scheduled to reply tomorrow [Dec. 2] to the Soviet note denying passage of Iranian troops to the northwestern trouble spots on the grounds that their presence would "cause bloodshed."The expected resignation follows the replacement of the Mayor of Tehran by Mahmud Hahriman, known to be a Soviet sympathizer.1946/01/21 The Advertiser - Adelaide
Dispute Placed With Security Council
Australian Associated Press
LONDON, January 20, 1946
The Persian delegation to the United Nations conference yesterday notified the General Assembly that it had decided to request the Secretary-General of UN to bring Persia's dispute with Russia, "in connection with Russia's interferences in the internal affairs of Persia," to the attention of tha Security Council for in vestigation and necessary recommendation of he appropriate terms of settlement. The decision, which was conveyed to the executive secretary of UN in a letter under the signature of Persia's chief delegate (Seyed Hassan Taquizadeh) asked that action be taken under Articles 35, sub-paragraph one, which provides that any nation may bring to the attention of the Council any dispute likely to endanger international peace.ARMED FORCE IN PERSIA
"Stream Of Abuse From Russia"
Australian Associated Press
LONDON, January 19, 1946
The presence of an immense armed force in closer occupation than throughout the war increases the atmosphere of tension in which Persia has submitted her case to the United Nations Security Council, says a correspondent of the "Daily Telegraph" in Tehran.
There is a constantly increasing stream of abuse Against the Persian Government from Moscow radio. The official Russian news agency, Tass, reigns supreme in Tabriz while the Russians refuse to permit foreign correspondents to enter Azerbaijan. An enormous army blankets the area from Azerbaijan to Khorassan.
The "Democrats'* In Azerbaijan are holding locomotives and railway stock, possibly with a view to an armed descent on the capital, adds the correspondent. It Is also significant that the Russians retain full control of the railways In the north, while those in the south were handed over to Persia when aid to Russia ceased in July, 1946.
Moscow radio, quoting the Tehran newspaper "Mardam" said that large numbers of plainclothes gendarmes were being sent daily to the northern areas of Persia, where they carried out terroristic activities against progressive parties.
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Portrait of Ebrahim Hakimi painted by the master Iranian painter Kamalelmolk (Mohamad Ghaffari). The picture hangs in Niavaran Palace in Shemiran, Tehran, Iran. |
Ebrahim Hakimi's Bio in Iranica - Click here (you will need their Font and Instructions)
A Glimpse Into the
Constitutional Movement after Mohammad Ali Qajar
Letter From Tabriz in Persian z
Securing the Persian Crown Jewels (1911)
The one thing that supporters and detractors of Ebrahim Hakimi agree on is his total honesty and integrity, he was appointed to the committee which retrieved the Crown Jewels of Iran from the deposed Qajar king Mohammad Ali Shah and later as Minister of Finance took steps to ensure their safe keeping. During this period he must have worked with the American consultant Morgan Shuster who was appointed by Iranians to help manage country's dire financial position and back breaking debts acummulated by the Qajars to the two colonnial powers, who later insisted on the dismissal of Morgan Shuster by the democratic government of Iran. Shuster became so disgusted that he wrote a book about his experiences calling it "Strangling of Persia", a damning inditement of Russia and Britain. Below are historic letters from Shuster to Hakimi reporting on the setting up a commission of trustees to secure the Persian crown jewels (1911):
Cover Letter 1
Cover Letter 2
Report 1
Report 2
Report 3
Report 4
For Persian Translation of the cover letter follows later in this document
RETURN OF " THE OLD GENTLEMEN" In 1942 Iranian neutrality discarded by the Allied forces, a country under occupation, its king forcibly removed from the throne by the British (one of the two colonial powers responsible in the previous 150 years for what Morgan Shuster termed "Strangling of Persia", the other being our northern neighbour Russia), the deposed king before leaving Iran turned to those he had once set aside 20 years earlier entrusting the country and his son in his hour of need for he knew it was their cunning and experience that was needed, the same old gentlemen later performed their duty and somehow or other managed to muster International pressure to dislodge the lingering Allied forces from Iranian soil (Russian forces had occupied all of northern Iran and were camped within five Kilometers of Teheran and were refusing to leave long after the Second World War had ended) and somehow prevented the fragmentation of Iran. They have never been thanked for their efforts and courage, quite the contrary they were not afforded the respect they deserve and have been continually slandered then and now, but their record speaks for itself:
Photo of "the old gentlemen" after Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's first audience (1320)
Primie Ministerial Appointment
The first dispute at the newly formed Security Council: In 1324/1946 Iranians faced two crisis triggered by Soviets refusal to withdraw from Iran in defiance of the Tehran Declaration by the Allied heads of state in 1943, his government and Ambassador to the UN submitted Iran's complaint to the newly formed UN (in London) and Security Council (the first dispute to be submitted to the latter) despite enormous pressure not just from the Russians but also the British (which explains Bullard's invective against Hakimi in his letters, see Letters From Teheran). Hakimi having withstood the pressure to see Iran's case submitted then had no choice to resign as the British-Russo focused their pressure on the young king making his tenure impossible with the parliament in disarray as well. After his government fell, Truman disgusted with the events in Iran (in practice he dismissed his envoy to Iran) put pressure on Stalin to remove his troops from Iranian soil but Ghavam who later became prime minister through his newspaper later claimed the credit. Later Mohammad Reza Shah learnt of the behind the scenes manouvers by the British, the Russians and Ghavam became incensed and removed Ghavam's title (conversations with Abdolhamid Hakimi). The Persian UN representative during Hakimi's tenure was Hassan Taghizadeh, Hakimi's old comrade and friend from Azarbijan and Constitutional Movement:
*** Text of telegram from Hassan Taghizadeh Persian UN Representative to Hakimi 1324/1946 ***
شيخ ابراهيم زنجانى دربارهً دوستان خود در اين زمان که عموماً اعضاى لژ بيدارى ايران واز آزاديخواهان بودند
چندنفر در مجلس قانونفهم بودند. از جمله، آقايان مشيرالدوله و مؤتمنالملک و ذکاءالملک و من بوديم. تقيزاده بهترين همه بود. افسوس که رفت(١). سليمان ميرزا و حسينقلى خان نواب هم بد نبودند... اما در اخلاق و علم و همه چيز اوّلين مرد بلکه افتخار ايران ذکاءالملک [فروغي] است. مشيرالدوله در پاکى و وطنخواهى و قانوندانى و فعاليت مرد طاق است. مؤتمنالملک در درستى و فهم حقيقت و استقامت يگانه آفاق. همه اين بزرگان دوست روحانى و حقيقى من هستند. آقاى حاجى سيدنصرالله [تقوي] شخص پاک امين آزاديخواه اديب است. برادرِ من است. از افتخارات ايران آقاى کمالالملک رئيس مدرسه نقاشى جانِ من است. آقاى حکيمالملک، که يگانه آزاديخواه وطندوست امين درست صديق وفاپرور درستکردار و راستکار است، يگانه دوست عالى من است. سرداراسعد، آن رادمرد علمپرور ترقيخواه بزرگوار دلير بخشنده وطندوست امين پاک که تا آخر پاک از جهان رفت، دوست عالى من بود. دکتر حسينخان کحال، که از وکلا نبود اما شخص آزاديخواه خوبى بود، از دوستان حقيقى من بود. ارباب کيخسرو مرد منظم کاردان پاک از دوستان من است. ميدانيد که حاجي سياح و فرزندان او با من يگانه و يکخانه هستند. مرحوم دبيرالملک با من دوست بود.
(١) به خاطر دسيسه هاى سياسى ديگران مجبور به مهاجرت شد
از سمت راست: [نشسته روى صندلي:] کمالالملک، [ايستاده:] شيخ ابراهيم زنجاني، همايون سياح، دکتر حسين کحال، عباسقلي، ابوالحسن فروغي، ارباب کيخسرو شاهرخ، عزالملک. [نشسته روى صندلي:] دبيرالملک. [نشسته در وسط از سمت راست عکس:] ابراهيم حکيمى (حکيمالملک)، سيد نصرالله اخوى (تقوي)، محمدعلى فروغى (ذکاءالملک).
مجلس دوم
آيا پنجمين تن از چپ در رديف آخر ابراهيم حکيمى است؟
از دست چپ حاج محمد کريم خان کشکولى يا ناصر خسرو قشقايى؟،
ابراهيم حکيمى (حکيم الملک) و اسماعيل (رکن الملک) حکيمى
ترجمه نامه ویلیام مورگان شوستر درباره جواهر دولتی به وزیر دارائی وقت (حکیم الملک) مورخ ۲٨ سپتامبر ۱۱٩۱ (۱۲۹۰)
مفتخرا باطلاع هیئت وزیران میرساند. پیرو دستورهای روزگذشته آن هیئت اینجانب به اتفاق جناب وزیر پست وتلگراف بحضور والاحضرت نایب السلطنه شرفیاب شده و معظم له را درجریان طرح کمسیون دائمی حراست ازجواهردولتی که تشکیل آن به اتفاق آرا بتصویب هیئت وزیران رسیده است گذاردیم.
والاحضرت پس از خواندن متن تصویبنامه موافقت کامل خودرا با منظور این طرح و تشکیل کمسیون اعلام فرمودند. همچنین شخصیتهائیکه برای عضویت دراین کمسیون درنظرگرفته شده اند مورد موافقت ایشان قرارگرفت .
معهذا والاحضرت ایرادهایی داشتند که قطعاتوسط جناب وزیرپست وتلگراف به آگاهی هیئت وزیران رسیده است.
یکی از ایرادهای معظم له این بود که تصمیم اخیردولت درشرایط فعلی ممکن است در توده مردم ایجادنگرانی وترس بنماید .
بنظر اینجانب درشرایط کنونی و موفقیت نیروهای دولت برسالارالدوله این ایراد دیگروارد نیست.
در رابطه بانکته دیگربه نظر والاحضرت نایب السلطنه از جنبه قانونی برخی ازمفاد قراردادتحویل وحراست جواهردولتی ممکن است گهگاه فاقد اثر باشد.
ناگزیراست به استحضاربرساند که دراینمورد بانظر والاحضرت موافق نیستم و اطمینان دارم که مصوبات هیئت وزیران موجب پیشرفت رضایتبخش دولت مشروطه خواهد شد.
مفتخرم دونسخه بزبان فرانسه و فارسی دستورهای مصوبه روزگذشته هیئت وزیران را به پیوست تقدیم نمایم.
جناب آقای وزیر
خواهشمنداست احترامات فائقه مرابپذیرید
و. مورگان شوستر