page is about a historical photograph of the Shah and his entourage
during a State visit to England. I was
given a copy of the photograph below in the seventies by Manouchehr Hakimi in
London which was partly responsible for putting this site together. The quality of the photograph
copy was not good at all. For years my uncle and I
had been looking for a better copy. To cut a long story short I traced
the origin of the photograph to the Windsor Archives from a book called
"Sultans In Splendour". The Windsor
Archives or The Royal Archives hold the British Royal Family
records I wrote to
them in early 2001 asking for a copy of this photograph and another document.
It took a while for them to answer but in April this year they sent a copy of
the photograph, a digitised copy of which is provided below. A digitised
copy of the Archive's catalogue entry
appearing on the back of the photograph is also provided. I am planning to provide a compressed
version of the full size photo for those who would like to download it for
printing. Hamid, May 2001, London |
The photo below was taken on 20th August 1902 in Portsmouth aboard the Royal British Yacht. Seated in the picture from left to right were His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales George V, His Majesty the Shah of Persia, Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, His Majesty King Edward VII and Her Royal Highness Princess of Wales Victoria.
The diamond on the cap of His Majesty Shah of Iran is the famous Darya e Noor or the Sea of Llight in Persian, it is the sister diamond to the Koh e Noor or Mountain of Light which is now part of the British Crown Jewels. The diamonds were originally brought to Iran by Nader Shah Afshar from India.
Since this page was designed the full list of attendees has become available and is reproduced at the bottom of this page, the source is the book Persians Amongst the English by Sir Denis Wright Plate 15.
To download this photograph in 600dpi resolution click here.
see this page in Persian click here
Standing from left to right: Ala-ol-Saltaneh (Minister in the Persian Embassy in London), Seif-ol-Sultan, Hakim-el-Molk, Movassagh-el-Molk, Fakhr-el-Molk, Mirza Ali Asghar Khan Amin-al-Sultan
Atabak e Azam (Prime Minister), Husseingholi Khan Navab, Amir Bahador (Minister
Of War), Paul Ketabchi Khan, Vakile-e-Doleh, Mohandess-ol-Mamalek, Movassegh-ol-Molk, Doctor Ibrahim Khan (Ebrahim Hakimi, later Hakimal-el-Molk), Movassagh-e-Doleh, Doctor Sir Hugh Adcock, Hajeb-e-Doleh Davallou, Prince Arthur of
Connaught and Doctor C Lindsey.