Mirza Abolhassan Hakim Bashi
Mozzafar Al Din Shah Qajar's Doctor
Mirza Abolhassan Hakim Bashi followed his father Mirza Ali Naghi Hakim Bashi as Mozzafar-din Shah's doctor. Mirza Abolhassan was married to Kokab-ol-Hajieh Khanoum "Qajr Agha (آغا)" daughter of Mirza Mehdi Khan Qajar Davalou, the fifth and only remaining son of Assef-ol-Saltaneh, the son of Mirza Mohammad Khan Biglar Baygie "Taj Bakhsh" Qajar "Davalou". The title of Kokabs' great grandfather "Taj Baksh" literally means the Lord who bestows the Crown and the history behind it is explained below. Mirza Abolhassan and Kokab Khanoum had 12 children which included: Ebrahim Hakimi (Hakim-el-Molk), Mah Lagha Khanoom Joon Joon, Mir Panj Haj Moussa Khan Nazm-ol-Saltaneh, and Rahim Hakimi Moshir Homayoon who togther with his brother in law Moazzam-ol-Saltaneh were working for Shoa' -ol-Saltaneh Prince Regent and Governor of the Pars province in Shiraz (Mozzafarie period).
Chief Physician Abolhassan (Hakim
Bashi), Lady Kokab Qajar Davalou & |
MahTalat married Mirza Reza khan |
Sakineh | Mah Jabin married Yusef Gharajedaghi |
Ebrahim Hakimi Hakim-el-Molk |
MahTalat married Mirza Reza khan |
Sakineh | Mah Jabin |
Mah Lagha
Hakimi married Mohsen Hashemi (*) |
Mah Soltan married Najm ol Doheh Najmi |
Abolhassan Hakimi |
Esmaeel Hakimi Rokn-ol-Molk |
General Musa Hakimi Nazm-ol-Saltaneh |
Rahim Hakimi Moshir Homahyoun |
AliNaghi Hakimi Etemad-e-Hozor |
Abolghassem Nosrat-ol-hokama Kamal-el-Doleh |
(*) But her children chose the
surname Hakimi much later when modern family names were introduced during reign
of Reza Shah
The Story Of Davalou Tribe
After the death of the ennuch king Agha Mohammad Shah Qajar, the first king of the Qajar dynesty, the tribal chiefs related to Qajars met to decide who should become the Shah as Agha Mohammad Shah could not bear any children - he had been castrated on the orders of the last Shah of the previous dynasty as he was feared for his wickedness from an early age, it did little good as later he escaped to northern Iran at the first opportunity and gathered a rebel army that overthrew the Zand dynasty. The tribal chiefs elected Kokab Khanoum's great grandfather, Mirza Mohammad Khan Biglar Baygie the "Davalou Qajar" chieftan. He however removed the crown from his head and placed it on the head of Agha Mohammad's nephew who became Fat-h Ali Shah Qajar from, the "Gavanlou Qajar" tribe. Mirza Mohammad Khan Biglar Baygie was therefore given the title Taj-Bakhsh é Davalou, literally Davalou the Crown Giver. During the reign of Nasser-e-Din Shah (the fourth king of Qajars), the son of Mohammad Biglar Baygie called Assef-ol- Saltaneh who was the governor of the Khorasan province in eastern Iran decided to claim the crown for himself. In the ensuing war, he and four of his sons were killed and his remaining son, Mirza Mehdi Khan was taken by the Shah as a hostage (as a guarantee against any further uprisings by the Davalou tribe). Mirza Mehdi Khan was brought up in the Shah's household and was Kokab Khanoum's father.